Everyone hates going to the doctor. And worst yet everyone hates to get shots. That or getting blood drawn. So here is what I was doing while waiting for my turn.
I was at a Buffet today. I wanted to make sure I tried everything there was to eat so I had to pace myself. So I brought along some paper and mixed in some sketching while I was digesting. Here is what came to mind while I was eating. I was there two hours. Not eating the entire time of course. :)
I kept hearing about the P.F. Chang race on t.v. So it had me thinking. I need a rocker Taz. So here he is. I got the idea from a cartoon I had just recently seen so I put them together. Go runners.
I was watching Beauty and the Beast with my son. Now I, I mean we, have seen this movie loads of times. So I figured I would get my sketch pad out and see what came to mind. Here is what I whipped up during the course of the movie. I like the "Beauty and the Taz" one the best.
Anyone that knows me knows I love the Tazmanian Devil. I have for a very long time. And I love to do art projects that incorporate him. Right now I do mostly drawings. To be more specific, I do drawings of Taz in scenes or poses that relate to what is going on in my life.
I am a creative individual in many mediums. Each project I work on allows me just another way to express myself. Whether it is drawing, woodwork, photography, digital painting, etc. I end up with a final piece created out of passion. Currently my inspiration tends to be my son and what he is into. If you have an art idea you would like realized I can help. Feel free to contact me at ... "tazishoser@hotmail.com"