This is an image of Taz I did back after moving on from Electronic Arts in Los Angeles. The way things are going Taz might have to move again so it reminded me to look for this image.
Anyone that knows me knows I love the Tazmanian Devil. I have for a very long time. And I love to do art projects that incorporate him. Right now I do mostly drawings. To be more specific, I do drawings of Taz in scenes or poses that relate to what is going on in my life.
I am a creative individual in many mediums. Each project I work on allows me just another way to express myself. Whether it is drawing, woodwork, photography, digital painting, etc. I end up with a final piece created out of passion. Currently my inspiration tends to be my son and what he is into. If you have an art idea you would like realized I can help. Feel free to contact me at ... ""