I thought I would give some insight on my thinking as I am working on Taz images. Again I like to do pieces that combine Taz and what is going on in my life. My pieces are works in progress. Lots of hands on and reworking till I get just the right look. I start off with an idea. I might have a few so what I do is write a small description of what I am thinking in my notebook. I follow that up with a quick, I mean very quick, chicken scratching. This little doodle gives me an idea of position of Taz. Trust me no one else would be able to understand what they are seeing but to me it is all the info I need to put this thought away for as long as it takes to get back into it. Then I slowly work to flush out some of the areas that standout. Usually it is the face and the expression that take the longest. Working in pencil I draw, erase, draw and so on till I get what I like. I then move around to other areas I feel inspired to knock out. When I have a part that is perfect I go ahead and pen it in. This helps me be able to continue to work the other areas and no worries about messing up what I have and like. Sometimes I create a body part of Taz that I really like but it is the wrong size. Well I just make a photocopy of it and enlarge it. On occasion I just tape it in place and move on. I have to remember to take a picture of this "Frankenstein" work in progress. Interesting to see. Eventually I have the entire piece in pen and am ready to take it to the next level.
Well there you have it. My work flow.